Volux provides the patients a high quality low dose radiology service. The exams are fast and painless, with a very low radiation exposure thanks to the innovative and specialized machines used in our center, which also make it possible to obtain a higher image quality compared to the other traditional radiological machines. Specific and effective protections are used for each patient for an optimal radiation protection.

Orthopantomography (OPG), also called panorama X-ray picture, is a radiographyc technique wich provides a single 2D image of all teeth, the temporomandibular joints, the maxillary and mandibular bones.

Pediatric radiology: our radiologic machine has a specific pediatric mode of image acquisition in high definition: thanks to a reduction of the field of acquisition, the time of X-ray exposition is shortened, so that the dose rate is reduced.

Teleradiography of the skull: it's a radiological exam for the study of the skull, to make cephalometric measurements. It is usually required in children and in adolescence as preparation to an orthodontic treatment. The image acquisition can be performed in Latero-Lateral (TLL) or Postero-Anterior (TPA) position.

Wrist x-ray in only one Postero-anterior projection is usually performed for the evaluation of the patient's bone age. It may be recommended by the specialist for a comprehensive evaluation of the degree of maturity of the skeleton in children and teenagers.

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